In the fictional South American country of San Sereno, a renowned scientist, Dr. Emilio Ramirez, has been abducted by a guerrilla group known as the Cobras Rojas. Dr. Ramirez holds crucial information about a breakthrough in biochemistry that could change the course of modern medicine. The Prime Minister of San Sereno has contracted a Private Military Company called Sentinel Security Solutions to conduct a rescue operation.
Mission Objective: Sentinel Security Solutions is tasked with infiltrating the guerrilla hideout, extracting Dr. Ramirez, and safely escorting him back to the extraction point.
Debriefing: The Cobras were caught on the wrong foot, the guards were quickly and effectively eliminated, and the reinforcements that arrived only a short time later were decimated so quickly that those who remained fled. Only one PMC was so badly wounded that he died on the spot despite intensive efforts.
1 Kommentar:
Love the detail in the building interiors- great game scenario too.
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