This is a 2014 review of Table Terror Team´s productivity (not shown are the games reports). We´d like to thank all our dedicated readers for viewing and commenting our work. This is also to celebrate the 100.000st view of our blog, thankfully received on the last day of this year. These are many clicks of faithful visitors for which we have to thank you too. Now enjoy this year´s uncommented review:
Mittwoch, 31. Dezember 2014
100.000 clicks!
Dies ist ein Rückblick auf das Wirken des Table Terror Teams im Jahr 2014. Wir möchten uns bei all unseren geneigten Lesern für die Treue und das Interesse bedanken, das sie uns in ihren Kommentaren immer wieder bekundet haben. Außerdem möchten wir hiermit den 100.000sten Aufruf feiern, den unser Blog am heutigen letzten Tag des Jahres erhalten hat. Das sind eine Menge Klicks, für die wir ebenfalls ganz herzlich danke sagen! Nun folgt aber endlich der unkommentierte Jahresrückblick:
Sonntag, 28. Dezember 2014
A little rant
Something happened that we do not appreciate very much: Somebody by the forum alias named Tango01 posted the Miranda photos from this blog on The Miniatures Page, what is not the worst thing at all, because it makes us believe that this person liked what he/she saw here.
Miranda is compared in those replies with 54mm miniatures and not commented very kindly. We are not fishing for compliments, but would appreciate commenting the work on this blog. After all it were those sausage fingers that painted a really small Hasslefree face that was expertedly sculpted and can admittedly hardly be improved by adding some clumsy brush strokes of acrylic paint. Many thanks to the experts from TMP. We´d like to see you doing better! | |
Privateer4hire | 27 Dec 2014 11:12 a.m. PST |
Milk mustache is a nice touch :)
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Deeman | 27 Dec 2014 11:25 a.m. PST |
Not to mention the unibrow. This is terrible.
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Ottoathome | 27 Dec 2014 2:34 p.m. PST |
I suspect she's supposed to be some form of "undead." Probably evocative of what she's like in bed.
Otto | |
Tom Bryant | 27 Dec 2014 2:46 p.m. PST |
In deference to the artist, I suspect what they were trying to do was
highlight the shading on the face but I agree the effect falls flat.
Pity though, they nailed the translucent fabric effect well enough. They
missed the face though with too much highlighting and shadows. Still I
think its at least an acceptable effort.
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Zargon | 27 Dec 2014 2:48 p.m. PST |
Still, I like the skill lads, I have a lot of brain cells popping on
the 'how to' and 'what paints' will work to achieve this. So I do give
it a 9 out of 10 tweddle on the actual doing of .
Cheers, practise and magic makes perfect. | |
KnightTemplarr | 27 Dec 2014 3:34 p.m. PST |
Unibrow is the worst part, the fair skin doesn't bother me at all. The figure is inspired by "Miranda – The Tempest" after all.
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Jason O Mahony | 27 Dec 2014 4:04 p.m. PST |
CmdrKiley | 27 Dec 2014 8:36 p.m. PST |
Put a bag on her head, and it would be a nice example of painting sheer clothing.
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