Geneigte Leser

Donnerstag, 8. April 2010

Ein bisschen piratig...

4 Kommentare:

Christopher(aka Axebreaker) hat gesagt…

Wow!Those are really great!Excellent brush work!


Terror Team hat gesagt…

Thanks Christopher,
not all visitors cheer up my semi-clad heroines...


abdul666 hat gesagt…

Excellent indeed! Your outstanding talent as a painter shows most on your semi-clad heroines, I feel.

Btw, what are the scale and manufacturer(s) of these two female heroes ('heroines' as a rule scream and need to be rescued...)? The only (very minor) reproach I could do to your eye-candy blog would be that you often don't give these two informations.

Best regards,

Terror Team hat gesagt…

Thanks, Jean-Louis!
The dark haired is from Dark Sword and the blonde is from Reaper. Both are 28mm miniatures like all my figures, because it is the only scale I play.
