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Montag, 27. Februar 2023

Wonder Woman's Guard of Honour

Another commission from Weird World War II painted by Michi: A small phalanx of Amazones to guard and protect their Princess Diana, commonly known as "Wonder Woman". 

The miniatures are resin casts which were mastefully sculpted by Brother Vinni. Helm crests are painted in red, white and blue to match their superheroine's adopted garments.

With the amazones came another sculpt by Brother Vinni, also a resin cast: A sacrifice for some cthulhoid creature from the deep or is it a minion of Hydra? With Weird World War 2 you never know...

Finally there is another creature of the night, probably for gothic horror tales. Michi doesn't know who made the metal miniature, but Brian said it shows an incubus with his human lover rather than a vampire with a victim.

Finally a group shot of those who travel to Texas soon...


2 Kommentare:

Weird WWII hat gesagt…

Epic paint as always! Thanks again with helping the Weird WWII tabletop battlefield as beautiful and WEIRD as it is.

Thanks, brother!
Brian & Mel

Simon Quinton hat gesagt…

Gorgeous work on them all.