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Samstag, 28. Dezember 2024

Ancient Libyans of the New Egyptian Kingdom

Ancient Libyan warriors from the time of the 'New Egyptian Kingdom', around 1000 BC (give or take 500 years).

STLs by Red Copper Miniatures, printed on a Mars2Pro.

These miniatures are my last for 2024. In 2025, as far as can already be foreseen, a few new, interesting painting projects await. I wish everyone a peaceful 2025, stay healthy or get healthy as soon as possible.

Montag, 23. Dezember 2024

Tomb Raiding in the Desert

Some desert tomb raiders, an Egyptian priestess of the snake goddess Wadjet and of course mummies.

The Egyptian serpent goddess is Wadjet. Wadjet is the cobra goddess and protector of Egyptian kings. Depictions of her show a cobra or a cobra-headed goddess.
All STLs are from the 'Desert Adventures' Kickstarter campaign. Printed on a Mars2Pro.

Dienstag, 17. Dezember 2024

Ancient Hebrew Warband

A small ancient Hebrew warband completed for the time being. Some slingers, a sorcerer priest and the Ark of the Covenant as war machine.

All 3D printed, STLs by Red Copper Miniatures.


Dienstag, 10. Dezember 2024

Mehr Nackedeis - More Nudes

Michi's latest batch of paintjobs are these hostages or slaves from Manufaktura Miniatures.
These are very crisp sculpted resin casts.

Das jüngst von Michi bemalte Los stammt von Manufaktura Miniatures. Die Figuren sind aus Kunstharzguss und sehr filigran modelliert.


Dienstag, 26. November 2024

Terrain for Feudal Japan

Some terrain pieces for feudal Japan: Koi Fish Pond and Shinto Shrine.

FDM prints, STLs from the "Nippon Saga" Kickstarter campaign.


Mittwoch, 20. November 2024

Another glorious day in the Corps - Assets and Hazards

Another commission for the Aliens boradgame Another glorious day in the Corps by GF9.
Michi has painted the set of scenery to replace the cardboard markers from the game. These were the last gaming pieces to paint for the game - there  aren't any more expansions to date.

These pieces are really nice and in scale with the Bug hunt corridors that Michi uses for his own AvP: The hunt begins game, so Michi considers to buy some for his own too.


AvP: The hunt begins/Bug Hunt Corridors - the final section

Michi has scratchbuilt the missing crossing section for one of the ten scenario layouts of Aliens versus Predator: The hunt begins. The cardboard floorplans which came with the game were replaced by 3D sections made of lasercut plywood (Bug hunt corridors kits by now defunct Fantasy Arc from 2014).
Games Workshop made plastic floor tiles for Necromunda which Michi used to turn into airducts for the AvP game. Now Boneshop offers similarly designed lasercut MDF kits to build matching floor tiles with variable surfaces. Michi bought a set and converted it into a square room with a floor grating of Fenris "Sulaco" floor cut into shape.
The walls were painted with the same Revell 55 whitish green that was used for the scratchbuilt plastic airducts, although the weathering was much more intense this time to display a really worn machinery section. Entrances are magnetized and cut to size to match the Bug hunt corridors sections.


Montag, 18. November 2024

More Desert Adventures

A few more impressions of the painting and tinkering jobs of the past weeks with the desert adventure theme.

STLs by Red Copper Miniatures, Iain Lovecraft and Goonmaster Games.

Egyptian walls are made from XPS foam and texture rollers.